Love Music

What effect does music have on you?
What genres of music do you enjoy listening to - indie, classical, funk, jazz,
disco, rap, funky house, pop...?
When do you like listening to music?
How often do you listen to music?
Do you have a favourite artist you like to go and see?
What makes a tune catchy?
Do you air guitar or air drum to music?
Do you take note of a great tune when you’re shopping do you start dancing?
Does a song trigger a special moment in time for you?
Why does music uplift you?
Don’t you feel better after listening to a great piece of music?
How do you feel when you find a new tune do you play it over and over again?
At Rainbow Brands we love music and we want to spread that love. Do listen to different genres and artists. Our wildbumble inflatable loungers are great to take time out and listen to your music. If you are a festival goer our lounger should be one of your accessories.
Here is a disco tune called Romeo and Juliet by Alec Constandinos which we hope you will enjoy. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Check in and share a song with us you think we will like and not heard of.
Keep buzzing!
Selchouk Sami